Feb 14, 2007

Fun at MV Doulos

Yesterday, February 13, 2007, the malunggay Freshies and the squash Sophies (which includes me) went to MV Doulos. Are you wondering what is MV Doulos? It is a ship with so many books in it. But the main objective of the Doulos is to help people in different places by educating them with these not so expensive books and to help them with their everyday needs. We really had a fun experience in the ship but unfortunately the ship is not “running” or does not start its engines. Well, it also fun because it was my first time and approximately my ever first time to ride in a ship. I do not know if I rode a ship when I was a baby but when I grow as a girl not a lady that was my first time to experience climbing on the slide and steep stairs of the Doulos.

To go to MV Doulos, which I estimated as 5-6 kilometers from our school (that is only my estimated distance) we need to ride a jeepney going there. But as you are thinking now, it is not my first time to ride a jeepney huh? Well in riding a jeepney, we really had a fun time chatting and talking some “chikas” about other people. There are also times when we were singing and laughing out loud and some of my classmates which were in the jeepney continue it because we have no teachers with us. We are the only group without any faculty member and I thought was the noisiest group.

Back to our topic which was the ship. It was a very huge ship and I can’t believe it that there are more than 100 nationalists in there. We went straight to the bookshop or bookstore to look for books. And also fortunately to us, there are only few people who went at that day so we can get rid of some snatching things and stuff. There were so many, many books about our God, foods, children books, stories and there are also activity books. If you want to know if I bought some books, the answer will be a yes. I bought a book (but I will not tell the price). It is a children’s book. The title of the book is “Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg”. It was a really nice story but what I attracted the most in it was its cover. And my friends also bought a copy of this book and believe it or not, we are the one who bought all copies because there were only three copies of it.

After the searching of the books to buy, we went to a small conference hall in the ship. There, the crews of the ship discuss about us the history and the objectives of the ship. I cannot remember the actual date but I still can remember that the ship was 2 years younger as the controversial ship, Titanic. The main objective of the ship was to bring relief goods and to help people without reach in communication. There also in the small conference hall, there had some fun games and stuff. By the way, there was also a school with us and it was name as the Asian Learning Center. Different students from there school and from our school joined the contests.

After the short program, we need to go back to school. Even if it was just a short while that we went there, it was like we already know the places. I cannot forget the fun memories of me and my classmates in the ship. I cannot forget the times when they were helping people. I cannot forget that ship that made me realize that “Helping people does not mean that you have to be popular and to have more money. It is about your love to the people and how you sacrifice your own living just for them”.

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