Jan 19, 2007

According to Plan

What is the feeling when you will gonna plan a thing but in the end it will never go according to your plan? But how about when sometimes you will expect an unexpected thing then it will come true? Is it bad or just fine for you because you always experienced always planning things that never come true? For me it is worse than being thrown in a well. Imagine that you plan something, you work hard for it, and you do some sacrifice just for that thing. But despite of these sacrifices in the very end it will fail. Or is it nice to you when you will expect an unexpected thing then “Abracadabra”, it came true just like a fairytale?

I experienced planning and expecting things that I do not know that it will come true but it did. Let us start with our communication arts week. Last August (I can’t remember the exact date) was our communication arts week. And because we are sophomores, our assigned contest was the speech choir competition. Our section which is Benton, had been practicing day but not night just to win despite of the cooperation scandal especially the boys, we had finished the whole two pieces which are the “Coward of the County” and the “Iska”. When the day of the contest came, we were so nervous especially me because I am going to have a major role in the Coward of the County. But we had ended this piece with a nice applause from the crowd. But when it reached the end of the “Iska”, the medium people had forgotten their lines. That was the end of our nice performance. We cried and cried especially our conductress. We didn’t expect to win that time. Our hard work had been down because of it. We did not expect that it will gonna happen. I prayed to God that time that the rules will be changed and there will be a Best in English or in the Filipino interpretation. And guess what, it had come true. We won the Best English Interpretation and the other section in the Filipino Interpretation. We were so happy that time because at least our hard work had been a success but not a total one, of course.

I had experienced experiencing things that never came true. Last November was the Intramurals ’06. And the first day came which had the Search for Mr. and Ms. Intramurals and also the Cheer dance competition. We had been practicing how many days and how many nights for this event. But a shocking decision made us to put ourselves in a down the earth. We had taken the last spot. It is very much disappointing, isn’t it? The Freshies had gotten the spot before us. For all of us, it is very embarrassing. We are expecting that we can win at least the third spot but alas, we had the last spot instead. But because of this incident, we had learned to fight in the games and we had won many prices.

You plan doing something good but things had not been going right according to your plan. But despite all of this, we all know that God had done these things for our own safety and for our own cause. Maybe God had better plans for us that is why He did not do it according to our plans.

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