Feb 2, 2007

Clerk For 24 Hours!!!

Actually, frankly, to tell you the truth and whatsoever I will tell to you, I have done making a post about the last KYSD. It is about how I became a Social Science teacher, which I thought was so easy but very, very hard. You are like putting a thread in a small hole in the needle. Ahoy!!! This time, I am gonna tell you what it is to be like a clerk for 24 hours. And maybe I can apply at this work soon. How to give exit permits, how to calculate circulars, how to call students who were late and absent and all the other important stuff which our clerk, Mme. Mercado do. Almost all of it, I do. How to be a clerk for 24 hours?

The day before the KYSD, we went to Mme. Mercado, our ever-loving clerk to be interviewed in how to be a clerk. She taught us some stuff about being a clerk like answering telephones and the most important “ringing the bell” (hehehe). All the three applicants who include me were being “promoted” in being a clerk. I and my classmate, Nympha, were assigned on being the clerk for the first day of the KYSD and the big sister of the group, Ate Pia, was assigned on the last day. I was very, very excited that I almost didn’t sleep at the night before thinking how to be a clerk.

The “Big Day” came. We were supposed to be there at 8:00 to start working. And we finally arrived on time. When Mme. Mercado arrived, we started our work in being the clerk. We have to cooperate also with the “Principal” (which was also a student at that time) in making decisions and whatsoever. We also have to watch and watch and look and look at the wall clock to see if we ring the bell on time. Our first job was to calculate the absences and the late of the students and also to count and rank the section in giving circulars. Nympha was assigned on the late and absences, and me was assigned in circulars. We finished the job for I think, almost an hour (hehehe). We are really as slow as you think. But we finished it nicely and without any problem. After that we have to wait for the time to ring the bell. And of course it was me who ring it first. After that, Mme. Mercado told us to call some students and to inform the section about there circulars. Of course the first task was given to Nympha and to me the last. After that, we do some cuttings and sort of other things in the faculty room. But I have to go to our room to be the teacher in Social Science. But Nympha had a co-partner at that time, which was the assistant principal, Nneka. After the class, I went straight to the faculty room to finish some tasks. When I was sitting at Mme. Mercado’s chair, the person who is checking this post (you know who you are), teased me. He said that Mme. Mercado became thinner (Hahaha). But it was just okay and then continues to finish my work. After the whole morning, I rang the bell and ate my super yummy lunch.

After that whole tired morning, afternoon came. And for me was the hardest time in that day. Many applicants of the HSAT came. I thought there where seven of them. I was assigned in assigning seats in where they were about to fill up there application forms and also to find out, teachers to interview them. I was there to assist Mme. Mercado. After that, I was the one typing a letter for the Dean. I was very, very nervous because I may have some wrong spellings and whatsoever. But thanks to God there was none. And I did it very safely and nice. After that we had to run errand for Mme. Mercado to the College office and to go to the Head of the Social Science Division. After that ring the bell and then went home.

It was a very fun experience in being a clerk. I thought to myself, “This was the hardest job I had done”. Answering the telephone, making some appointments and the other harder tasks given to them were a few of the hardest doing in being a clerk. But after all of that, I said to myself, “I am proud to become a high school clerk for 24 hours”. You should try, too!!!

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