Mar 1, 2007

Family Day '07

February 25, 2007 was the date of the Family Day 2006-2007. It was my second year to join this Family Day so I am used to the games and the activities in this day. First is the Best in Tent, the most beautiful tent that was decorated by our wonderful and active parents, the oldest and also the youngest participant (as what the title was saying), the early bird, the person who arrives the earliest of us all, there were also different games and the awaited part was the raffle draw.

The day before that which was Saturday, parents here and there went to the school campus to help in decorating the tent. And fortunately, my mom is one of the active members of the crowd. After all the decorating and the cleaning of the tent, we all went home to be ready for the big day the next day.

The big day came. First in the program was the Holy Mass because it was a Sunday at that time. Almost all of us attended the mass. Even if it rain when the mass was going on, it stopped when the mass was going to end. Thanks to God!!! After the mass, we were going to be ready for the presentations that we were going to have. And our presentation was the Japanese Parasol Dance. It was not as good as you think but at least we did our best in dancing the Japanese dance.

After the dance, we changed clothes and watched the game of our second year boys in soccer. It was a very good fight. But at the last part, their opponent won, which was the Freshies. After that we ate our ever yummy lunch.

After the ever so yummy lunch, our PE teacher, prepared some fun games for the whole UP community. There were sack race, the blindfold race and the bring me. All were very happy because of the funny games and all other stuff. After all the games was the awarding of the awards. The oldest and the youngest participant, the early bird and other awards were some of the awards given. But the most awaited part was the raffle draw. At first, my mom and I were not expecting any raffle ticket to be picked with our name on it. But when my mom was called, we were very, very happy. And fortunately she was not called only once but thrice. She went home two ice creams and a cash ticket of 100 pesos. We ate the ice cream in the school and one we brought to our house.

That was a very fun experience. That was my second family day and so the most emotional because Mme. Gallo said goodbye to some of the parents. And we also her students were very, very sad when we learn that she was going to retire next year. But that happen, that happens.

Every family member was very, very happy and gay. All of us!!! And we are hoping for the next family day to improve and to more happier.

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