Jan 24, 2007


Having friends that care for you and receives you for who you are is one of the happiest moments in your life. But it will be the worst when they will leave you or they will forget you. One time, a friend of mine asked me this weird question, “How come that almost everybody you met smiles and greet you “Hi” and “Hello”? At first I was really shocked at her question. I remained very silent at that time, and then I thought, “She is right! I greet almost everyone that I met.” I was thinking that, “I am so friendly? That she had to ask this question?” “I had to answer this question. I have to tell her what to do so that she can have also her real friends.” I thought. It is because this friend of mine had never had a real friend to count on. She feels out of this world. And of course as a friend, I told her three things to look and have new friends.

At first being friendly is not that being popular to anyone. It is not being rich or poor just to be with this friend. Looking for a nice and kind friend is not as hard as Algebra but also it is not as easy as Home Technology. Her question is somewhat like you have been ask, “How to have friends?” I have 3 secrets to share to you if you are left alone in this world with no friends to be with your side.

1.) First know this girl or you can also have a boy friend (excuse me!!! not a lover but your friend) a lot. Know her likes and what she hates. Know everything about her. Why? Hello!!! Getting to know her is the best way to know if she is really your friend for a life time, if you have the same personality or whatsoever. You should know her a lot to avoid being hurt at the end.

2.) Be yourself. In knowing friends you just be yourself. Don’t be plastic to your friends. If you joke but there are no people laughing just say Sorry. Do not feel you are out of this world because you can find a friend that is always there for you soon.

3.) And last but not the least. That friend of you will never leave you. In sickness and in health, you will never leave each other. That is what friends are for. But sometimes you really had to leave but just promise to each other that you will always remember each other and that no one will forget this promise.

Knowing, being me and keeping a promise are the special skill I had. That is why I become a friendly person. But sometimes I feel afraid that maybe one day I might lost all of them. But even if they leave and forget all about me, I will still be with them till the end. That is why God made friends for you and me. This friend will be always be with you and forever.

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