Jan 31, 2007

Reflections on Teachers and Teaching (The Lost Dream)

Teacher!!!According to my favorite dictionary,it someone who teaches especially in a profession. You know? When I was just a little child, I used to play with my cousins and friends the game “maestra-maestra”. And I usually play the major role, being the teacher. When I was just a child, I think it is so easy for me in playing the game because you are the one who will teach and command your students what to do. It is just too easy, I thought. And actually it was one of my dreams that is hoped to come true. And I really like to become one because my Grandma was a teacher, too. But when I reached high school, it has been changed.

Last January 25-26,the University of the Philippines High School Cebu, which is my school, held the Know Your School Day Program or simply popular to us as KYSD. It is the day when students took place in the position of their beloved subject teachers.In short the students became the teachers of the day.All subjects are all available even the hardest subject for me which is Math 2A or Algebra had a subject teacher and even the easiest,I think for all of us,which is Home Technology 2 had a subject teacher,too. But not all of us became student teachers.One cause is subjects are very hard and maybe our students will just laugh at us.Another reason is that it is very tired to teach a big number of students like our class cause you might shout and do some strange things unto them.Many students join also because we had a certificate indicating that we became teachers and also we can be first in our grades and maybe you will have excemted exercises and seatworks.

I know what you are thinking now.You are thinking whether I became a teacher or not.Of course!Why should I not join?The subject that I took up was Mme. Logarta's subject which is the Social Science.During my first year time,many became Social Science teachers but this school year,me and my bestfriend,Emiyn became the only Social Science 2 teachers.At first,I chose the subjects Filipino and English and because Sir Elmer and Ma'am Rabago only chose 2 students for that subject,so what I did,I chose to subject that my classmates thinks boring.

At first I really don't know what to do and what to start.But because of my co-student teacher we both end the class with a nice smile but with tired mind and heart.
But wait!!!I didn't tell what happened,right?
Sorry!!!Here is really what happened.At first we greet them with a good morning.Okay that is not it.Here is really what happened that changed my dream of becoming a teacher.
We are to assigned them groups because they are to report about the last ASEAN Summit.At first it was easy because we were just going to group them.But when they are to report it, I just know that the pressure is here.And I just guess it right.Some people especially the boys begun talking and laughing without reason to laugh or talk.I thought of myself,"So this is what a teacher have to be".And because my co-teacher cannot control it,I just shout at them and said,"SILENCE".At first they stop and listen to the discussions but after a short while they started talking and laughing again.So we just relax ourselves and continue the reporting.

After all the reportings,we had decided to have a quiz bowl so that they will know the lessons of the day.In the end Karen's group win the top spot and because we were not prepared of that day,we said to all (I think it is 6) 6 of them that the price which will be a Safari chocolate will be tomorrow.But (will you keep this as a secret?) actually we still didn't give them the price and only one person still remember it,my "manoy" Levi.But you know what?It is not ver easy.And here's the big deal in this story,while I was getting the answer sheets,I thought I was going to collapse.But thank God it didn't happen.

Now you know it.Why I lost my dream of being a teacher.But maybe it will get back soon.But what the thought of this is in only just one hour I had experienced the hardness of being a teacher.And can I survive for 1,2 or 3 years.But faith will come and maybe you will see me soon in a school teaching history classes.Let us see!!!

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